Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Recently, Madlinka, Chi, Becca, Jayde and I were assigned a prohect for math in which we had the option to do one of a few things, and, being the thespians that we are, we decided to create a musical that doesn't have a title but it's amazing:)
I'll post the 'DEETS" tomorrow after we put on our production... *__*


Monday, June 14, 2010

The Second Of Our Bands

The next day, when Madeline and I were on the phone again, we came up with the following:

51) Wench
52) Snuggle Your Ransom
53) Inbox Empty
54) Pudding
55) Flutty Putty
56) Goggles for Thought
57) Monkey Suits
58) Pinstripe Banana
59) Whatcha say?
60) Hold on a Second
61) Dropoff
62) Phone Corpse
63) Flaun
64) MOW (Mother of Weirdos)
65) Orange Helicopter
66) Honorable Mentions
67) Juju loves Me
68) Pet LLAMA
69) Jeopardy Scares Me
70) FunkyCity
71) Crying and Screaming About Skittles
72) College Cousins
73) Mean Ant Hole
74) Unactivated Credit Card
75) Gum in the Military
76) Snorting Wasabi
77) Nice Disease
78) Ignorant Beast
79) Loveable Cousin
80) Closeted Finger
81) Let it Be Known
82) 82
83) Sweet Tea
84) Ink Cartridge
85) Not Deaf…Yet
86) Madeline’s Mother
87) Stylers
89) Grandchildren’s Grandparent
91) Candy Stripe
92) Free Cars
93) YouTube Popular
94) In the Fridge
95) Look Behind the Orange Juice
96) Applewood Tarts
97) Freaking Bacon
98) Orangey Cylinder
99) Tipo
100) Llamadramaatemymama

SIDENOTE: (HEY! That's a good name for a band:}) Band Name #100 was inspired by our good friend's YouTube account.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Hi. Sorry I haven't postedin THREE DAYS! I hate not posting, mostly because I have no life. But that's alright.
I have been sick with this strange virus that causes my stomach to suffer from inflamation on the inside. It's killing me, quite honestly. Not literally, over dramatically.
I'll be posting soon...
(Lessthanthree) Bean3:D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The First of Our Bands

Well, Madeline and I just got off of the phone, and we came up with these band names:

Possible Band Names:

1)Electric Ham
3)Milky Memories
4)The Oreos
5)Slick Finger
6)The Cool Words
8)Cheese Inebriation
9)The Pule
10) Pea Soupier
11) Xanthus
12) Algid Memories
13) Apotheosis
14) Hubble Bubble
15) Circean
16) Cachinnation Destination
17) Bathykolpian
18) Colposinquanonia
19) Dactylion You
20) Estrpading Farctate
21) Philia
22) Acharistos Amunterion
23) Salty Language
24) Chef
25) Chelsea Lovely
26) Past Funk
27) Wish Bone
28) Pocket Tissue
29) SnotScarf
30) Houdini’s Mother
31) Chutney
32) Unrequited Excitement
33) Hell Melon
34) Raise the Food
35) Pierced Toenail
36) Toilet Bowl Humor
37) Legions of Ponies
38) Pinnacle Safari
39) Shuffle Basin
40) Gurgleplex Inc.
41) Recent Studies
42) History’s Mystery
43) Zero Experience
44) Engineering the Magic
45) Prolonging Glow Worms
46) Unique Tortoise
47) Seventh Inch
48) Life Template
49) LaFawndiniqua’s REVENGE
50) Cheese Doodles for Lying

If ANYONE DARES to take any of these names as their own... well, let's just say they won't be around anymore:)


This "Fight"

Madeline and I are in quite the fracas, although neither one of us wants to acknowledge the fact that we are. It's all over this stupid dress. It's strapless and from Target and it has the most perfect silhouette I have seen since Hermes' French Collection's strapless paper dress in Fashion Week of 2009.
There are multiple issues in this situation:
1) I have been wanting this dress for a few months now.
2) Madeline got this dress for a wedding.
3) I was planning on getting this dress for a wedding.
4) Although I was planning on getting it in a different color, Madeline still hates the idea of me getting the same dress because it is "really special" to her.

I respect Madeline fully, and I know she really likes this dress, but so do I. And it is just another one of our stupid fights. For example, a few weeks ago, we got into a fight about taking a photography class at RISD together. I have been dying to take this class, and I am finally getting a professional camera so that I can take it and better the quality of my pictures. Madeline also likes photography. She says she's been wanting to do it for awhile. But I didn't necessarily want to take a class together because I was hoping this could just be "my thing". The dress is "her thing". I get it. BUT I WANT THAT DRESS!

I love Madeline with all my heart. She is BY FAR the best friend I have ever had, and I am so grateful that I get to know her. Madeline is one of those people who can annoy you to no end- if you don't REALLY know her. We're both the girls at school who are looked down at, the dorky seventh grade students wearing vintage clothing amidst a sea of Aeropostale-clad peoples. Madeline gets on my nerves, and I know that I piss her off. But, Madeline is my sister for life. She is the sun to my sky, the bee to my honey.:) Haha, so mushy.

Madeline is so forgiving. She said I can get the dress, and, even after this whole rather pointless dispute, everything is fine. So when she reads this I want to let her know:

I can't wait to take Photography Fables with you, Madeline.:)


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Entry #1

My name is Bean. I'm not a boring person, but I am not terribly exciting either. However, things happen to me all the time that aren't, well, average. I want my blog to bring the message that everyone, somewhere deep inside, is NOT normal. Not boring. And NOT who they think they are.
It takes a lifetime to figure out all of the places you have been, everything you've seen, why you did something at that time. I hope that my blog will bring my sententious point across. Not only is this going to help me discover MYSELF, but maybe, just MAYBE, it'll find a way to meander into your life and help you.
Haha, wow. That was an extremely LAME paragraph. Forgive me for those burning acid sentences of besotted thoughts.
Let's start over.
Hi! My name is Bean, and I am not THAT boring! I want to let everyone know that I am strange, but I like it, it's just the way I am.
This blog is dedicated to my three best friends:

Happy blogging, cheesers.